Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BOLC 2 and 3

Tyler in front of a big wheel at the museum...with an Idaho shirt on, of course. :)

The arch.

Looking down from inside the arch.

Michelle looking down from inside the arch.

Inside the museum.

Train in the spaghetti factory.

Toby Keith sign.

It's hard to get both of our full faces in a picture this close!

The pictures are actually backwards as far as order goes. Tyler went to BOLC II (Basic Officer Leadership Course) at Fort Sill, Oklahoma (where we got married). While we were there we explored Bricktown (and went to a yummy spaghetti place, hence the train), Toby Keith Bar and Grill, and went to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. When we were traveling to Knox, we stopped in St. Louis. We rode inside the HUGE arch, and visited the Westward Expansion museum inside. It was pretty neat.

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